I've had the Octane VI for about a week now and spotted a problem when on battery: the laptop will first startup normally. It can work on battery until it's fully drained.
However, if I restart at any point it shuts down and can no longer power up again. Pressing the power on button briefly turns it on and it immediately goes off again (doesn't reach the O/S loading stage).
The problem does not occur if on AC, however... sometimes when I restart (on AC) the laptop will briefly completely turn off and on again and continue normally...
What's going on :-( ??
However, if I restart at any point it shuts down and can no longer power up again. Pressing the power on button briefly turns it on and it immediately goes off again (doesn't reach the O/S loading stage).
The problem does not occur if on AC, however... sometimes when I restart (on AC) the laptop will briefly completely turn off and on again and continue normally...
What's going on :-( ??