Optimus IV Caps Lock Issues


Hi guys,

I'm not a great typist, but I use caps lock to type capital letters and what not at the start of a sentence. I use it a lot. Anyway when typing on my Optimus IV laptop (windows 8 64-bit) and I use caps lock, the window which I'm typing in - whether its MS office or a web page - is "deselected" when the thing that appears in the top left of the screen to tell me that caps lock is on/off.

Anyway, this means that when I'm typing and using caps lock, because the window is momentarily deselected I my typing is affected so I'm typing words and missing letters...this is hard to explain...does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about, and if so, does anyone have any idea how to fix it - short of not using caps lock???



Bright Spark
Caps lock is a switch. It needs to be pressed and released for the change to capitol letters to take effect.

For temporary use (one letter) hold down shift while typing the capitol letter.


Caps lock is a switch. It needs to be pressed and released for the change to capitol letters to take effect.

For temporary use (one letter) hold down shift while typing the capitol letter.

I know I should be doing this, but I've grown up and learned to use the caps lock. It would be a real pain in the backside to start using shift now, although obviously that's something I'm going to start learning. But because I have so many essays and dissertations and what not, I'd really like to know how to fix my caps lock issue.



I'm posting this to as many people as possible because it was a mission for me to find but if you want to get rid of the popup Right clicking on the hotkey icon allows you to click "K/B Indicator" thus turning off the caps lock notification. It still occurs for airplane mode and screen brightness but solves my issue. Pretty simple fix in the end. But super frustrating thinking there wasn't a fix!!