optimus iv nvidia problems


Hi all.

I wont go into the details of the fun I had installing windows 8 etc.

Anyway. I have reinstalled windows 7 from cd. And formatted c drive before hand.

The problem I have now is I am unable to install the nvidia drivers. I have basic display adaptor in device manager with a symbol ! Next to it.

I have tried installing drivers from original driver cd and from nvidia website. And I get message.

Cannot find compatible graphics hardware or similar message.

I have installed all other relevant drivers. Chipset etc.

Anyone got any suggestions or is it looking like a hardware fault?


Member Resting in Peace
Try installing driver manually from device manager,With driver disk inserted,right click device with the symbol next to it in device manager/"update driver software"/"browse my computer for driver software"locate and install driver software manually.


Bright Spark
Dude, you're not having much luck are ya?

I've managed to iron out all the niggly bugs with Windows 8 and have basically got it running pretty much flawlessly. You wanna give me a shout tomorrow and we could give it a bash?

If you never got your pen drive for the Bios fix, I could send mine.


Not having much luck at all. Im starting to think its a hardware fault. In the end I sorted all problems with windows 8 except this nvidia problem.

Ive tried browsing manually etc also. In my sleep ive thought of something else to try. Will report back..

Yes I updated bios. Think ive updated it about 10 times now. Lol


Bright Spark
Well if you decide to go back to Windows 8, I can give you a hand getting things set up. :)


Give this a try:

After doing a clean install do the following:

1. Chipset Driver.
2. USB 3.0 Driver.
3. Intel RST Driver / Intel Management Engine.
4. Install the INTEL display drivers.
5. Then install the NVIDIA (this then lets Optimus work).
6. LAN Driver.
7. Wireless Network Driver.
8. Audio Driver.
9. Bluetooth Driver.
10. Touchpad Driver.
11. Media Card Reader Driver.

After that update your system, install the programs that came with the laptop.




Thanks. Will give that a go tonight. Can anyone confirm model number of optimus iv on clevo site? Ive seen a different number mentioned in a thread to the one quotes to me by tech support.


Right. Same problem. Im not touching the damn thing now until its picked up on on Wednesday. Ive had enough of seeing that bloody nvidia message.


Bright Spark
I can totally understand your frustration, but hang in there and everything will be sorted soon, you're in good hands with PCSpecialist. :)