Optimus - what are to boot up light sequence

I wonder if anyone can help. I have the 17 inch optimus from PCS. I wanted to know what the sequence of lights should look like when I boot up.
Im looking at the info that came with the machine and I can see the first light is power, second is battery, then third airplane mode , then fourth HD

If there is a SDD is there a light for that?

I am troubleshooting because I cant seem to get a response at all from switching on the machine :(


Prolific Poster
Hi, the light covers either HDD or SSD so it makes no difference which you are using.
thank you for your prompt reply

At the moment I am getting an orange light first and a white light second. When I click the power on button I get a brief white light on the first two lights and then the power light goes off and the light display goes back to orange light and white light respectively.
The machine does not power on and there is no display, no fan no nothing.
I am doing this while the battery is plugged into the mains


Prolific Poster
Just to double check and don't hate me for asking but the plug socket is switched on isn't it ?

Have you tried removing the battery and just using the mains ?

Have you tried moving the mouse/touchpad or pressing a key maybe it is in sleep/hibernate mode.
I don't hate Mr Fear. It not my style. LOL

I removed the battery.

I fiddle with the mouse pad- no joy

The main power light goes off after a few seconds of powering on when I press it. I hear no fans , no display, nowt :(

Just the two light on first on orange and second one white


Prolific Poster
Is there no trouble shooting stuff in the welcome pack that might tell you about the lights ?

I only have a desktop from PCS and an old HP laptop so probably not the best for helping you out with this problem, unless someone who has the same model as you can help out you will be better off getting in touch with PCS.


Bronze Level Poster
I powered mine off and checked it.

With the laptop plugged in but not on:

first light orange, second light white.

When I hold down the power button for a couple of seconds it lights up, and both the first lights go white.

The display comes on for me maybe 5 seconds after that, the 5th light also goes white at some point.

The laptop is damn silent even when it does work, I don't hear any fans. if I hit fn + 1 (yes 1, not f1!) then the fans go into maximum speed mode, even whilst I am booting up.

Hope this helps? As others said maybe try removing the battery and running mains only. The battery can be taken out if you undo a couple of screws on the panel, it's bottom right of the laptop as you look at it.
Thank You kindly Mr F

I too don't know about laptops either. but fans not spinning means problems.
I will call PCS tomorrow.

Right now I have a dead laptop and a banging head ache.