P8Z68 V PRO Motherboard and 8GB Kingston Hyper-X Genesis Dual DDR3 1600 XMP Memory


Silver Level Poster
I'm planning a build using the above 2 items with an i7-2600k CPU from the over clocking configurator but have some issues that are puzzling me.

I have looked at the MB QVL and also on the Kingston Website for compatible with this board and none of the GENESIS 1600Mhz 8GB (2x4G) kits seems to be compatible with the P8Z68 V-PRO motherboard.

I also checked the manual for this board and it too had no 8GB (2x4G) kits. Now I am aware that they may be working items but not yet certified but I need to be sure of what I'm configuring.

So the questions are

  1. Is this combination well tested.
  2. If its not workable what are my options.

I'd like to get it clarified before I order the kit.

I am particularly interested in utilizing the new XMP qualities of these items.

Any help in this would be gratefully received.


Silver Level Poster
They work together fine

Its interesting that Kingston does not list an 8G kit for this board in 2x4G modules though on their memory configurator, the best they have is 1333Mhz modules.

Have you used it in this combination or do you just know its ok. I had a problem with incorrect Samsungs a few years back and until ASUS uplifted the BIOS I had to put up with spurious mouse hangs at inopportune times, most annoying. Ended up with a few corrupt files in those days, made regular backups very important!.

thanks for your help.


Biblical Poster
This is one of the most common combinations of board and ram on this site, ive never seen any problems from it


Life Serving
I have this combination, only difference i have the i7 2600. AWesome and no problems, PCS wouldn't sell it if it caused problems.