Price drop with the 1080? Should I wait?


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I'm pretty much sold on a Octane II Pro laptop and I'm looking to order very soon. However, given the imminent release of the new GTX cards do you think I should bide my time?

I'm more than happy with the performance of the 980 mobile card so I'm not looking to drop more cash for a 1080 or anything like that, I'm just surmising that there will be an immediate price drop on the 980 spec laptops?

£2k is a hell of a lot of money for me. This laptop is going to be an exorbitant purchase for me that I normally wouldn't be anywhere near but I'm treating myself. I would be pretty annoyed if I found it dropping a significant amount of money for the sake of a few weeks.

Any thoughts?

Thanks :)


Multiverse Poster
I'm more than happy with the performance of the 980 mobile card so I'm not looking to drop more cash for a 1080 or anything like that, I'm just surmising that there will be an immediate price drop on the 980 spec laptops?
I doubt the release of a desktop gpu affects the price of the 980 for the octane, not really the same desktop GPU but a mobile version. If any decrease in price takes place I don't think it will be significant


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Is the mobile version not due for release in June? I was reading a lot of speculation through various outlets a few weeks back and they were suggesting mobile releases soon after the desktop variants.

I guess I've got some reading to do.

I'm really impatient so I want the laptop yesterday :D


Multiverse Poster
Is the mobile version not due for release in June?
That's what we're expecting/hoping for but I don't recall that being confirmed. Definitely best to wait as tempting as the new tech is :) I'm quite desperate for a 1070 but will see what the AIB partners do.


New member
I would assume, that late August or early September is the earliest possible time to notice some price drops on GTX980 and 980m products but that wont be much of a significant difference to make it worth waiting. Of course at that time I expect gtx 1080(m) to show up on the market. And I am very optymistic on this one. If you compare the GTX 980 launch, one month after Desktop release we had GTX 980m. But it took clevo almost a year to release a new laptop box to fit GTX 980 Desktop chipset in. Considering the GTX 1080 things might go slightly different. There will be no 1080m because nVidia wants downclock desktop chipsets (and DDR5 not DRR5x) and put them straight away into laptops chasis. So +/- lets wait 2-4 months and we will see. I am also planing to repleace my desktop with a powerfull laptop. Purely I need space and mobility (at least pat of it) and I sold my desktop gaming rig already, so time is a strong factor for me aswell. But all in all personally I think to wait couple of months. If my speculations were true, we are going to have a brand new case from clevo with gtx 1080 inside in late September just right on the bottom of PCSpecialist's laptop list.... :D

If you plan to spend 2k on alptop I would go for 980 Desktop rather than 980M. You can get this under 2k. The difference is noticable in gaming.
More than that I would wait for 1080. Because if you plan to dump 2k in laptop, why not to dump another MAX. 0.5k to get rid off any future doubts.
IMO: If you buy something cheap, you might not be as much happy with the quality as with its price, but you feel fine because you didnt spend a lot of your money and can always go for something better in the future. If you buy something expensive you are pleased with the quality and long-lasting product, but not exactly feeling the same about your money gone from your pocket. If you buy something in between, you are neither happy because still there is something that you could get better, and still you payed much. BUT all this depends on your expectations and personal needs and all of that is just in theory.
In theory, laptop with 1080 extends the life time of you machine (or to be more precised its gaming potential) for 2 years from its realase date. And the realase date is just around the corner. There is no perfect time to buy a laptop or PC. But in this kind of situation when something is just around the corner I would consider waiting.

Also it would be nice to have 2 varriants of cases for GTX 1080. One case for ppl who want all off it and one case to be a thinner and lighter version for ppl who like the power of GTX 1080 and i7 laptop and mobility without need to enlarge case in order to connect 3 monitors, 5 USB drives, gamming keyboard or dualbands 2x HDD and 4 audio outputs/inputs. Make it thiner, no need for all these ports and HDD drive slots. Just make 2x M2 SSDs, 2x USB 3.0, 1x USB 3.1 and thats it (we have usb head sets). Getting rid of DVD stations was a decent move. Also when the screen hinge is located in the middle of the case, it looks awesome and its solid :D I would also consider a 1600x900 native resolution with supported downscaling to 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x720 for the size of 17" ahIPS because it still looks very sharp on 1600x900 and its much more lighter for a GPU. A proper downscaling gives you an opportunity to play older games as they were designed or get some extra power by lowering the resolution in some future demanding games (years to come ;d).
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Behold The Ford Mondeo
I'm either having the 980 desktop or the 1080(m), I'm not really interested in the 980m to be honest. The new Clevo case has already been spotted, it's just a P775 refresh though, named the P775DM2-G. It has a 100hz G-Sync screen though which is also VERY interesting.
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I'm either having the 980 desktop or the 1080(m), I'm not really interested in the 980m to be honest. The new Clevo case has already been spotted, it's just a P775 refresh though, named the P775DM2-G. It has a 100hz G-Sync screen though which is also VERY interesting.

is this the current Octane III you are referring to?