Radeon 5650 - Something strange happening...

Hi all!

I just have a quick query, I went to play WoW last night on my EnigmaII (this spec: http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?1313-EnigmaII-Gaming-and-work) and was getting extremely low frame rates (15fps on minimum graphics), which is strange as I normally hit 60fps on medium graphics.

When I go into CCC it doesn't load the 3d preview with any of the 3d settings.

Is there something wrong with my card?

I have tried:
- Power settings in windows. Everything appears to be correct in the power management eg powerplay, processor state etc...
- Reinstalled CCC from the disk that came with my laptop.

Laptop is plugged in and running from mains power.

Sorry for the disjointed post, I'm at work and can't focus on this 100%

Does anyone have any advice before I call the help line on Saturday morning?



Ok does DriveSweeper remove all traces of previous drivers?

Is it likely to be a driver issue? I used it in the afternoon and it was fine,then in the evening it wasn't. Didn't install anything...

Anyway, I will try your solution as soon as I get home and let you know how it goes.

Thanks for that it appears to have worked!

Now all I need to do is call up to sort out the keyboard (the "8" key records 2 keystrokes when I press it).

Also, does anyone know if; regarding the USB power button, if I switch the laptop off and turn press this button it lights up. But won't charge my iPhone... should it?

Sorry for asking lots here. Just trying to save PCS another call on what I imagine are busy Saturday mornings!

Thanks a lot!


Staff member
Also, does anyone know if; regarding the USB power button, if I switch the laptop off and turn press this button it lights up. But won't charge my iPhone... should it?

No, not when turned off. The powered ports are designed to supply power to devices that need it, but only shen the laptop is running.
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Silver Level Poster
Also, does anyone know if; regarding the USB power button, if I switch the laptop off and turn press this button it lights up. But won't charge my iPhone... should it?

Yes, it 'should'... unfortunately the 'clever' people at Apple decided that they wanted to include a software trigger to the charging process when done by direct USB connection. When that light is lit up it'll charge any phone you like while the laptop is powered down, anything except an iPhone...

I'm refusing to buy any apple product until they
a) allow mobile phone carriers to set their own tarriffs
b) operate with conformity to prevailing technological standards (anyone remember firewire?)
c) stop being so facetious
d) stop getting their customers to preach... IT'S AN IPHONE, YOU BOUGHT IT, YOU DIDN"T F'N INVENT IT!