Realtek audio issue, no headphones displayed, so sound from headphones


Got my new Defiance III laptop yesterday, installed all windows 10 updates and everything appeared to be working ok. LOVELY laptop.
Had some weird freezes while installing software like VLC player, Steam and Bluestacks android emmulator where the laptop just froze and not even the mouse would work.
where I needed to hold the power button to force it to shutdown and restart cant figure out why this would happen on a brand new laptop.

One annoying problem I'm having is Plugging in a set of headphones.
When I went to plug in my headphones into the audio socket, Realtek HD audio manager detects I've plugged in the headphones, the speakers go silent you can see the the sound level go up and down under the levels menu but no sound comes out of the headphones.

I've googled this issue to death and went through all of the suggestions other webpages have mentioned.
Removing the driver, trying a generic drive, reinstalling, going through trouble shooting,setting default devices arseing with every sound setting and checking everything is detected etc etc etc.

Nothing has worked so far.
The Realtek audio manger only shows the speakers, digital out, microphone tabs. There is no separate Headphone tab like you might see on a desk top set up.
The visual representation of the socks on the right hand side of the audio manager shows headphones in text when hovering over the picture of the jack hole. (its colored black in the software not green which is different to my desktop setup)

One temporary solution that I've found that works is if I plug in my Headphones and then shut down the Laptop and restart it so it reboots while the headphones are physically plugged in I get sound through the headphones and I can happily plug out the headphones and plug them back in again and everything works as expected.

If I close the screen and the laptop goes into powersave mode or hybernates etc and say come back 20mins later and plug back in the headphones the problem comes back.Where I'f I remove the head phones or plug them back in I get no sound through the headphones.

Anyone have this issue?

Sometimes when I reboot it behaves like normal but leave the laptop powered off for a while and repower it on and the issues will either go away or comeback
depending on how the damn thing is feeling at the time.

one other weird observation is even I'f I turn the volume to 100% on either the speakers or the headphones when working the output level is not all that loud.
if I plug my headphones into my phone or tablet and set the volume to 100% its a heck of a lot louder.
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The BSOD Doctor
Did the laptop come with Windows 10 pre-installed? If it did I would call PCS because all the right drivers should have been installed.


New member
Did you have any joy in working out the issue? I bought a 2017 Defiance III with win10 and the same thing is happening. Doesn't seem like a bad socket, after a reboot it works flawlessly until I sleep it then after wakeup it goes back to speakers work but nothing out on headphones. It does detect headphones being plugged in, just no sound out until after a reboot.


New member
SOLUTION: audio headphone jack not working after sleep

I found a solution to my sound issues with no sound from the headphone jack after a sleep. Typically after I found it I also found a message on here for a different laptop that has the same solution. That thread is here:

Specifically the answer was given by raedwulf, AFAIK: "it's a bug with the audio drivers/hardware. It is worked around by using the Clevo hotkey app by running InitHeadphone to re-enable the sound from suspend/hibernate."

I found the solution here:
In case the link breaks, there were three options:
Temporary Workaround
If your headphones/Line-out don't work after sleep mode or locking the screen and you have a VIA sound card just download CLEVO's hot keys manager and run the file initHeadphones.exe. I still have to figure out why though...
Stable Solution
wspawn from the forum of Notebook Review (thank you! You are still welcome to post an answer yourself) found the following solution:
To prevent the hotkey software from messing with the audio controls / headphones rename the following file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hotkey\hp.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Hotkey\hp_DISABLED.dll.
Apparently installing the Hotkey utility from CLEVO (which can be also found on Sager's drivers page) is enough. Latest version is 8.0100. I still have to find a way to fix the problem without installing this stupid program.

I found running the initHeaphones.exe (@ C:\Program Files (x86)\Hotkey\) worked for me. I also renamed the dll but havent checked this. Worst case that exe can be run on login to get the headphone port back on each login after a sleep.


Silver Level Poster
i use a desktop so i dont know if this sound problem solution will work on a laptop

I had problems with headphones and speakers after the windows creator update so try these steps. 1. Go to device manager/ sounds and mic tabs then right click and uninstall drivers even if they dont have a yellow triangle on them. Windows will reinstall them on restart. 2. In sounds/playback tab right click and disable the realtek digital output. just above the icon when using SPEAKERS you should see a green tick in the speaker icon , right click if missing. When you plug in your headphones the icon will go out and if you scroll down you will see a new one for headphones . when you swap between speakers and phones it takes a few seconds to find new device. 3. check properties tab on both headphones .... green jack highlighted and microphone pink jack.
finally at bottom right corner where the speaker icon is change the tab to realtec high def audio , i have my volume at 50%


New member
Did you confirm the version of your driver and how recent it is. Sometimes outdated drivers or a mismatch could lead to these weird issues.
You should check this out.