SLI in laptops


Bronze Level Poster
I'm ordering my spec in the next couple of weeks, after months of deliberating. I went for a laptop in the end, As I need the portability, am going to uni next year and joining the army after that, so a desktop would be incredibly impractical. That said, I therefore decided to go all out and get a laptop that could beat most desktops out there that can last me the next 4 years. (for gaming)

I'm getting the Viper III

17-2860GM (which apparently has a very nice turbo boost as well as a good 2.5Ghz base clock speed)


80GB SSD and 1TB HDD

but the GPU I'm a bit stuck with. would getting two 560ms in SLI be worth it in a laptop? I have no idea how much SLI in laptops improves performance. For something that will run games like BF3, TOR and skyrim on high settings, and in a few years will still be able to run new releases (though maybe not on as high settings), would getting the 580m be worth it over two 560m?

any help would be appreciated, thanks! :)


Prolific Poster
Hmm well 12GB of RAM is definitely overkill you could get 8GB for now and add another stick(4GB) at a later point if you really needed it; two 560m's will be able to beat a single 580 with that CPU pushing them.