SLI worth?


Silver Level Poster
On the whole, considering how many games can actually run SLI, whether it actually increases performance in most games and whether it's necessary for 4K60 gaming, would you say that SLI is worth it? I plan to have SLI with two 1080 Ti's, how credible would this be?


Multiverse Poster
Perfectly credible as a plan. While SLI wouldn't give benefits in all games it would certainly give a huge performance advantage in many titles.


The Babeltech article is quite reserved about the benefits of SLI. But it also talks garbage about a lot of things.

For instance it says WH:TW needs to be played in DX11 as SLI scales negatively in DX12. Well, of course it does, because DX12 WHTW uses homogeneous mGPU, not SLI for DX12.
Same with Hitman.
BF1 has apparently been patched to support mGPU in DX12 (better):
And the thing with Fallout 4's engine and high refresh rates was fixed ages ago.
Somehow they saw negative scaling with The Division despite:

So most of the games Babeltech tested saw gains, and many of the ones that didn't actually do too.

It's certainly not universal, and the scaling between games isn't identical. But quite a few games will struggle with 60fps at 4k on a single 1080 ti, and SLI can help keep framerate up.

Whether that's worth the ~£700 of a 2nd 1080 ti is down to you :)


Silver Level Poster
Thanks Ouessebon, that’s really helpful. It’s really something NVIDIA isn’t clear enough about :p, have some rep