Snow in The New Forest


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Thought i'd take a few pics :)

We have 'pet' deer in our paddock behind the house. Apart from being lovely creatures they help keep the grass down :D

Unfortunately in these pics you can't see them because they're hidden in the pampas grass.

Obviously they're also not really able to eat much grass considering its buried in 7 - 8 inches of snow... Not to worry they're being fed lots of other Christmas treats :D (well infact they get fed extra all year round, lucky buggers).



Author Level
Yup super wintery, didnt bother going into Uni today, may get in but no guarantee id get back out lmao, all trains delayed, but not yet cancelled :)

Police are pushing cars up and over the railway bridge rofls :)


Super Star
wish we got snow like that here, we tend to be shielded from the worst by the pennines. we had about 6 inches last winter, but that was built up over several days due to the temps being below freezing all the time.

just for once, I'd like to see a big dump of snow, something like 10 inches, like what gets repoorted on tv all the time. all we have had so far this time around, is about an inch.


Author Level
yeah :( Sucks! :p Well it stopped snowing, and now its coming down harder than before xD probably nearing 8 inches now.


Bright Spark
So unfair ! here in south west wales we've had hardly any.

Photo tips, when taking snow scenes if possible put the camera into Daylight or Custom mode (white balance) and push the brightness up a couple of stops. Focus on the snow in the middle of the scene and you should be good to go.

what's with all the post boxes anyway?
Yeah, that's mad. I don't think Pembrokeshire has that many post boxes in total.
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Author Level
xD let us just say, they like it here :p

As for camera tip, thanks :D will try that with my proper cam. Dont think you can even do such advanced stuff on the iphone one xD


Bright Spark
xD let us just say, they like it here :p
As for camera tip, thanks :D will try that with my proper cam. Dont think you can even do such advanced stuff on the iphone one xD

ha, i thought i read that you're a student ?? - no wonder student are rioting in london; how will they afford their iPhones if fees go up ??

My HTC Wildfire allows you do change all those sorts of ISO / white balance / contrast / saturation / sharpness... ;¬) but to be honest all camera phones are rubbish really.


Author Level
Haha :p Let us not mix the towels with the dishcloths. :p There are very few Uni students rioting as we're already in te system meaning our tuition fees dont go up. The ones complaining are the A2 and AS students that are applying for next year :p

I have a 4mp Kodak camera from like 2004, but it uses so much battery power I dont use it much nowadays. I may fork out for an SLR someday... but im a pretty crappy photographer anyway so ye :p


Author Level
Yeah, bt pointless imo, government arent gonna back down just because some hooligans deside to throw packs of pampers around...

We have to get the money from somewhere, seems to me like everyone's getting their fair share of slicings here and there.

pics of some of our deer & their attempts at finding foood:



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Prolific Poster
I don't understand, how/why do you have reindeer? do you live on a farm or something? they look nice though :)