Some advice please


Hello again,

It's been over 6 years since I purchased my PC from you guys and it's been amazing so thanks!

Bit of bad news happened on Christmas Eve morning, my GPU came to it's end and I'm unable to play any games now, so I guess now is a good as time as ever to get a new PC and I'm back asking for some help and advice to build the next PC.

I have a £1000 budget if the total is like £1037 and you say it's totally worth it I will most probably be swayed but I prefer to keep £1000.

It's going to be a gaming machine, I play lots of random stuff: Rust ( this is a very RAM hungry game, I have 8 ATM but it tanks out constantly), Total WarHammer, Civ 5 etc...

Random info, I've never had an SSD so won't miss one if it's not in budget but would kinda like to try one maybe?

Many thanks,

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