Stupid Question About My Labtop Screen


Bronze Level Poster
KK, stupid question time.

My labtop has the following screen:

15.6" AUO Matte 95% Gamut Widescreen (1920x1080)

Stupid question = is it HD?

I noticed that some people on here have screens that are the same resolution as mine but claim they are HD. I thought HD related to the number of pixels, but I guess not.

I have a Blu Ray Disk Drive with PowerDVD 13 installed.


HD does relate to the number of pixels :). 1920 x 1080 pixels is a High Definition Display and a HD resolution. However there are higher definition displays/resolutions available


HD does relate to the number of pixels :). 1920 x 1080 pixels is a High Definition Display and a HD resolution. However there are higher definition displays/resolutions available
It's just marketing speak, but typically:
HD Ready: 1280x720 or 1336x768
Full HD: 1920x1080

Both are interchangeably referred to as HD, so there are plenty of 1336x768 laptops that claim to have an HD screen.