I prefered Morrowind over Oblivion, but I haven't tried any mods. Can't wait for Skyrim though!
Here are the unofficial specs for the game...
tbh, recommended and minimum are identical except for the cpu, so not sure how accurate these will be. Minimum and recommended 3GB ram seems a little odd, I would have thought ram would be one of the areas that recommended and min would differ, especially on game like this.
Dayve, is it worth playing now with the graphic mod? Or is it going to look old and rigid?
Also, any chance you could get links to these specific mods that are good? My problem with downloading mods is I'm afraid of getting dodgy files from dodgy sites.
With a PC like yours it's definitely worth playing with a graphics mod. Oblivion looked great to begin with, but it looks even better with the graphics mod. You should get used to downloading mods as well, it's a big part of what makes PC gaming (incoming opinion) much superior to console gaming.
In this case there's a website dedicated to mods for TES games, www.tesnexus.com
You'll have to sign up (free and quick) and can browse and download all the mods. I won't lie, at first it's kind of overwhelming when you see what you need to do to get the mods installed, but you pick it up really quick and it's actually a lot simpler than it first seems, you just need to dedicate an hour of your time to getting it done and it's worth it a thousand times over.
The mods you'll want to look for are Qarl's texture pack and Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. You'll also need the Oblivion mod manager and script extender which you'll find from that site, along with detailed instructions on how to install each one and more often than not links to Youtube videos which will give you a step by step show about how to do it, which you can follow along with.
Trust me, these mods add about 1000 hours to Oblivion's gameplay, every one well worth the time.
Cheers Dayve, I'll have a look into it when I get home, I'll get my old oblivion disc out and install that to start with
Was the graphic mod one of the ones you mentioned?
My internet is going funny, link didn't work for me, anywhere else that would have the list?
Pre-ordered and paid for Skyrim from Amazon this morning.