The BSOD Doctor
In case anyone thinks a life afloat is always a bed of roses this clip might change your mind. :sailor:
Granted it's a racing yacht that's involved, they are built to be strong enough to last the race and no more (otherwise you're carrying extra weight) it's also from 1995 when racing yacht design was undergoing a lot of changes. The problem was the crew tensioned the running backstays too tight, and that literately bent the hull. It's scary how fast she goes down too.....
Granted it's a racing yacht that's involved, they are built to be strong enough to last the race and no more (otherwise you're carrying extra weight) it's also from 1995 when racing yacht design was undergoing a lot of changes. The problem was the crew tensioned the running backstays too tight, and that literately bent the hull. It's scary how fast she goes down too.....