Three screen gtx 680 sli question.


Hey everyone,

Just a quick questions regarding gtx 680 sli. :helpsmilie:

At the moment I'm running gtx 580's in sli with a gt 430 for physx.
My monitors are set up in such a way that I don't run in 3 screen surround,
but instead I have 2 monitors in my 1st gtx 580 and 1 in my gt 430 so that I can have 3 separate screens whilst having sli for gaming,
if you know what I mean.

Well my question is, can I have my 3 screens connected to my 1st gtx 680 (nothing in the 2nd), and run sli with surround disabled, whilst maintaining the fact there three separate screens?

Any info will help.

Thanks for reading! :turned:


Multiverse Poster
I have the GTX 680 SLI and right now I am running 3D surround. I can connect 3 monitors in one card (have not try it yet) but if I understand you correctly I am able to keep all monitors on (surround disabled) and if that is the case I can only game in 1 screen and I usually have CPUID Hardware monitor to check temperatures.


Well-known member
Why on earth would you want to upgrade to SLI 680's? You alsready have SLI 580's which must easily max out everything you can throw at it.


Multiverse Poster
Why on earth would you want to upgrade to SLI 680's? You alsready have SLI 580's which must easily max out everything you can throw at it.

With the GTX 580 SLI, I had many issues when attempting 3D surround which could have been caused by incorrect settings or driver issues. I had the GTX 680 SLI for 2 days and so far any game in 3D surround is working flawless.