Time Machine Notifications


Active member
Hey Guys,

I have setup Time Machine on my laptop with an external SSD Hard drive. I have got it setup to backup automatically every week. My last backup was 7th April 2024. However, I seem to have lost the notifications of 'Time Machine' which should state 'No backups since Xth of X' and that's a bit weird. So I've got to remember to plug my external in.

I'm just asking how I can get those notifications back, as it's a good reminder for me to just plug it in and let it do its thing.. I've checked notifications and also the settings but I cannot see anything, and it's clearly been over a month since I last backed up. I just miss the notification that comes up. Some guidance on getting this back would be really appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Didn't think there were any notification settings for Time Machine...only the little error dot on the menu bar icon.

Maybe it recognises the designated back-up drive is not attached and so silently fails?

I'd just set up a daily item in Reminders to give you a prompt, or leave the HDD attached (and have a secondary backup to iCloud or Dropbox, et al).

But I use CarbonCopyCloner instead, as I got fed up of Time Machine filling my SSD with snapshots.


It may be (don't really know) that the backup drive needs to be permanently plugged in for time machine to know when the last backup was made and hence tell you when to do the next one.
I don't have a time machine, only a clock.