Stephen M
Author Level
I have just got an Optimus with a GTX960 and have problems getting the right drivers. I note others have had similar issues. This is one one way around it with Ubuntu Studio. Firslty thanks to Nmenonic whose post put me in the right direction, almost got me there in fact.
Go with these commands from Nmemonic:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-364
Then open Systems and Additional drivers, there should be quite a list. The one which works for the GTX960 is the 358.16, change to this and reboot and, hopefully, it should be OK.
I still have an issue with the standard Ubuntu with this as once the new nVidia driver is selected the laptop refuses to boot, gets as far as the log on screen but keeps returning to that.
I will post a full review when I have got the laptop running as I want it and have time.
Go with these commands from Nmemonic:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-364
Then open Systems and Additional drivers, there should be quite a list. The one which works for the GTX960 is the 358.16, change to this and reboot and, hopefully, it should be OK.
I still have an issue with the standard Ubuntu with this as once the new nVidia driver is selected the laptop refuses to boot, gets as far as the log on screen but keeps returning to that.
I will post a full review when I have got the laptop running as I want it and have time.