Upgrade needed?


Hi guys :D Long time no see.

My computer kinda has grown old. It has been over four years since the last upgrade.
I think about replacing gpu on gtx970 from msi. As for the rest I have no idea because I stopped two years ago with novelties.I do not know if I need to exchange something besides gpu?
My spec:

i7-2600k - 3.4Ghz
Asus P8Z68-VGEN3
Kinston HyperX Genesis 1600Mhz
Asus Gtx680 Directcu II OC
SSD Intel 90 GB
SSD Kingston 120 GB
Caviar Green 1 TB
Corsair 750 W Silver modular

Thank you all for your help.




GTX 970 or even a 980Ti would fit in nicely. You might want to think about upgrading your whole system built around the new graphics card you'll get - that hardware is good but it's pretty old... I'd stay away from the GTX 980 and Titan X due to their very bad price/performance ratio.

Summary: GTX 970 will do fine, GTX 980Ti will perform very well (if you have the money). Just double check if your power supply will be able to handle it, I'm almost certain that it will be able to though.