Uploading videos on to Youtube


Super Star
I would like to ask why it would take more than 1000 minutes to upload an .mpg video onto Youtube?

Is there an easier way of doing it without sacrificing the time it takes to upload one video?

Here is my channel fiishyfrags

Is there any good free software out there to record and to edit videos? I would like something simple, just to cut videos and make them shorter.


That would be you reason. 1Mbps upload is like 100k/s so that will take hours to upload a HD video, and I mean HOURS.


Sound about right.
In basics every 1Mps is roughly 100kb/s in actual transfer.
I have 20Mbps upload so get about 2Mbps actual transfer speed.

So it sounds about right, but being in Yorkshire, unless your massively in the sticks I am not surprised you don't have Virgin Fibre. My friend in York and he just got upgraded to 200Mb Fibre.