Version of 1080ti?


Bronze Level Poster
I have just ordered a new PC with the 1080ti, however does anyone know what version it is? Variation of card, specs? Also do desktop PC get shipped with the various boxes?


Multiverse Poster
The GPU model can vary. They're generally Palit or Zotac cards, and have included Founders Editions, Palit Jetstreams, Zotac Amps, and Zotac OEMs (those might not all exist in 1080 ti flavour but you get the idea).

If there's a specific model you want you can always amend your order to exclude the GPU and just buy and fit one yourself.

They won't include retail boxes for all the components - think how much space that would take if they packaged the PC properly in a huge box, and then also sent you the retail box for the case, the GPU, the CPU cooler.... assuming they even have those themselves and don't get their components in some kind of OEM packaging due to buying bulk as a system builder.

But you should get the relevant accessories (mobo trinkets, extra PSU cables if you have a modular PSU, etc) in your "welcome pack" box. :)
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