Prolific Poster
Just wanted an insight into what websites you guys regularly visit/get your daily fix from. Now keep it clean, nobody wants to know what you get up to when you're home alone but feel free to list anything whether it's funny, political, sporty, geeky, etc etc.
I'll start off, my work place is fairly relaxed so I do get quite a bit of time to browse but I have a fairly limited range of sites (hence why I'm hoping this thread will give me some new ideas )
PC Specialist (of course)
BBC Sport
BBC News
PC Gamer
Ebay Motors
PistonHeads forums
Overclockers Motoring forums
Studentroom Motoring forums (there's a trend starting...)
9Gag (every lunch without fail, hilarious)
The Daily Mash (occasionally for the laughs)
As you can see, it's pretty dull so what about you guys? And I don't mean like every site you've ever been on, I just mean if you're sat down with some spare time on the web which are the ones you flick between? I remember seeing threads about people who have like 20 tabs automatically open on Chrome on startup and wondered how the heck somebody could surf through so many websites.
I'll start off, my work place is fairly relaxed so I do get quite a bit of time to browse but I have a fairly limited range of sites (hence why I'm hoping this thread will give me some new ideas )
PC Specialist (of course)
BBC Sport
BBC News
PC Gamer
Ebay Motors
PistonHeads forums
Overclockers Motoring forums
Studentroom Motoring forums (there's a trend starting...)
9Gag (every lunch without fail, hilarious)
The Daily Mash (occasionally for the laughs)
As you can see, it's pretty dull so what about you guys? And I don't mean like every site you've ever been on, I just mean if you're sat down with some spare time on the web which are the ones you flick between? I remember seeing threads about people who have like 20 tabs automatically open on Chrome on startup and wondered how the heck somebody could surf through so many websites.