What case Fans are installed


Silver Level Poster
Does a standard build include any extra case fans - or is it just those supplied with the case?

for example, what would be fitted to the COOLERMASTER ELITE 310 BLUE CASE ?


Life Serving
There's a guy called "corfate" he has that case, drop him an private message, I'm sure he will tell ya.



Bright Spark
You only tend to get the fans that are included with the case, if you want extra fans you can always give the sales team a ring and talk to them about it.


Author Level
There's a guy called "corfate" he has that case, drop him an private message, I'm sure he will tell ya.


Hiyurrrrr ;)

Yeah, i've got that case. It came with a single exhaust fan, but you could get some cheap case fans to put on it, as theres a 120mm space on the front, a 120mm space on the side and a 60mm space above it. Also, you can substitute the 120mm side fan for a 80mm if you wanted too :)