
Bronze Level Poster
hi guys,
i want to do a clean install of windows 10, do i need to use software like wipedrive to wipe the drive first before the win 10 install,
over time my PC starts to run slow, so in the past i do a clean install and all is ok,
just checking, are wipe/erase tools worth using first.

thanks for your time,


We love you Ukraine
hi guys,
i want to do a clean install of windows 10, do i need to use software like wipedrive to wipe the drive first before the win 10 install,
over time my PC starts to run slow, so in the past i do a clean install and all is ok,
just checking, are wipe/erase tools worth using first.

thanks for your time,
Part of the windows installation is to declare which partition you want to install to. At that point delete all existing UEFI partitions, create a new one using all the space and install to that partition.

That will effectively wipe the drive. There’s no need for wipe tools.


The BSOD Doctor
UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. 'Unified' because all hardware and software vendors have agreed to support it. 'Extensible' because it's designed to allow newer technologies to be included, 'Firmware Interface' because it is the layer between the hardware and the operating system that gets control during the boot process. UEFI is a much more secure form of managing the boot process than the older (MBR-BIOS) boot process. All modern PCs and laptops use UEFI booting.

Download the Windows Media Creation Tool from here and run that tool with an 8GB (min) USB stick plugged in. Tell the tool to 'create installation media' (DO NOT select upgrade this PC) and ensure that it's pointing at your 8GB USB stick. The tool will then download the latest Windows 10 install files to the USB stick and make it bootable.

Boot that USB stick, choose a custom install, delete all four UEFI partitions on your system drive (MSR/Reserved, EFI/Boot, Recovery, Windows), select the unallocated space that results and click the Next button. The installer will create the right partition structure and install Windows.

Once you have run the initial setup (language, region, userid, etc.) run Windows Update repeatedly until no more updates are found. You may have to reboot in between some updates, but keep re-running Windows Update each time until no more updates are found. This will (should) install all necessary rivers as well as all necessary updates.

Once that's done you can reinstall all your third-party software.