Slight problem recurring mroe and more. Just want your opinion on it.
So ever since I had my new computer, sometimes, when i'd load up or just randomly when using it, the sreen would just go blank, but the monitor wouldnt power-off into energy saving mode, its just like the graphics card no...
This will sound a little weird but i'm struggling to find a male to female IDE cable (that I need for my little IDE to SATA converter chip as it will stick out of the back of the case if I dont find one).
I found a site but they want like £7 for it >.> Wondering if you happen to have any lying...
Some of you may remember my little problem with IDE and AHCI a little while back.
Well today when I went in BIOS I noticed that it was back to IDE (normal seeing as I did a bios update and forgot about resetting it I think) anyway after reenabling AHCI, I load back into windows. Everything's...
OK simple question.
Would the following products work for a GTX 465?
Which is better?
Basically the...
So I hadn't noticed this straight away BIOS it's showing as IDE WD1002 blah blah, pics below.
Then I connected a SATA I drive in as well (160GB) and thats showing as Sata I fine, how do I change it to Sata II? :P
Thoughts? Is anyone going to buy it? personally, I can't wait :D I still play TDU1, it was such a great game and the sequel looks absolutely magnificent.
Only detecting 4GB out of 6GB EVERY single morning.
OK so I tried an RMA'd set of RAM modules but the problem persists.
I've tried XMP mode, Manual mode and ASUS memory mode in BIOS, i've tried manually setting voltages, for QPI, DRAM Bus voltage etc, set Mhz to 1600, also enbaled Memory...