Battlefield 4.... Is it worth it?


Biblical Poster
Just tried bf4 again, as you guys seem to be loving it!

eeeerrrgggggghhhh its damn horrible. Oh my life how on earth can you enjoy that?

Oh know i tend to air my views when i play a game i don't like, but honestly, it's awful.

Plus What on earth is that thud sound effect when you get shot?

What exactly are you not enjoying, ive had my ups and downs on it, but I am enjoying it now and I get a decent framerate too although I would have hoped for better settings (but its not all about the graphics)

Its not all that different from bf3 i think


Life Serving
What exactly are you not enjoying, ive had my ups and downs on it, but I am enjoying it now and I get a decent framerate too although I would have hoped for better settings (but its not all about the graphics)

Its not all that different from bf3 i think

I don't have any issues running the game. I just don't like it compared to BF3. I'd argue that it is quite different. If you give bf3 a just 2min try now, (as your used to bf4) you will see the difference.


Author Level
I agree with Tim that there is a difference but i think its down to map design. Theres a couple of maps for me that made the BF3 experience for me. The ones that come to mind are the one with all the cargo crates and a spawn point out at seas and the second is the one with the massive pole that fell down. I know my descriptions are bad but i hope you know which i mean.

This may sound stupid but the maps seem more Square in BF4 where as in BF3 they felt more rectangle. i.e there was a side a and side b where as in BF4 there more square. With rectangular maps the flow of battle was a to b and b to a and in a square map its coming at you from 3 or 4 directions.

Reading that back it sounds so stupid but i hope someone understands what im trying to say.

Personally i find BF4 an improvement on BF3 but i do miss some of the maps. Game play wise i find it extremely similar. Team play feels a bit different but cant tell why.

This is just my experience of course and realize everyone has different experiences


Well-known member
I jumped back onto BF3 a couple of nights back with some mates who don't have BF4 and it definitely felt different, though I'm not sure I would say 'better'. It was a lot slower -- your soldier didn't seem to run anywhere near as fast as they do in BF4 -- and it is a lot easier to see players somehow. Gun play also felt different somehow, though difficult to describe exactly how! One thing I did notice is I'm now a better BF3 player after playing BF4 -- had the round of my life during the session!


Prolific Poster
I had a quick go on BF3 the other day and was surprised at how similar the gameplay felt to be honest. What made it worse for me was the inferior comm rose and the limited choice of weapons for an engineer compared to BF4.

I can get where you're coming from Tom, it took me a while to get used to BF4, but eventually it becomes second nature and I actually find it far superior now. Stick with it and get used to it mate, we can have some quality games.


Master Poster
yeah its the same as trying to play Bad company 2 after playing bf3 for so long. It just doesnt work. you notice all the things you gain from the newer games.


I think it was partly people's first experiences with it that's shaped their view of the game - not speaking for anybody else but I know that's the case with me.

Went on last night and it installed that latest 1GB patch and my issues with it seem to be gone, connected to games no problem and much quicker than before too. Actually had a pretty good time for once.


Life Serving
Just tried it again, I find I'm that I'm trying to enjoy playing it. But I just can't stand it. For me, it feels like COD with a few vehicles chucked in and slightly larger maps.


Prolific Poster
Getting used to the maps and weaponry is a huge part of it mate, I was getting spannered constantly when I first started but you get better when you get a feel for everything. It also helps working with a squad as it becomes much more tactical and enjoyable, working for objectives and taking out clusters of enemy infantry and vehicles. I've got a TS server if you ever want to jump into that mate.

Some of the maps are faster than others, and that can make a big difference too. My major gripe is the amount of snipers in the game, but if you keep moving you're OK. I played some Firestorm and Caspian Border on BF3 last week and I honestly couldn't tell the difference in game play.


Author Level
Snipers bug me too, especially squads of snipers. My counter to that is to use the UAV and destroy their re spawn equipment and then try and knock them off. It seems like a dirty tactic but it usually distracts them enought for someone to get a shot.

A lot of matches i just become a spotter and end up with very little kills but it seem to help out the team on the long run.


Silver Level Poster
There are a lot of similarities and a lot of very different things between 4 and 3, as said before the more I play the better we/BF4 are to play, but for me BF3 was the same, I think there are different game styles for different people, at the moment I am enjoying Domination and rush type servers, as these re faster paced CQ maps (as well as the CCG server I admin on), at the moment im on a stab frenzy (rather than assignments ;) ), its great trying to flank and getting a few players like that, and taking out whole squads, it reminds me of how exiting BF3 was/can be, and counter stabbing is tops, when i got my first counter counter stab i loved it (BTW its on you tube and my user name is mog3 on there too)
So as u can see, ive gone from hating it at the beginning to really enjoying it now (still hate the muck ups by EA/Dice with it though)


Im also thinking about getting it together with my new desktop, the thing is that it steel need more improvements and adaptation, I am pretty sure that after a certain amount of time it will become even better than Battlefield 3, just give it time.


Prolific Poster
I've got no issues with performance, it runs fine. Stability wise I've stopped crashing again so can't say I've got any problems there at the moment either.


Well-known member
Performance has definitely improved over the past few releases. At first I had to turn a few settings down to get it to run 60+ fps at 1080p, but now everything is at Ultra and I'm happily running at around 70 fps. Stability seems OK now as well -- I've disabled Origin in-game and I've stopped getting the annoying 'Direct X' errors and the latest patch seems to have resolved issues with joining games. The only real problem with BF4 is that I suck at it, though still enjoying it!


Author Level
I just downloaded the ATI 14.1 Beta drivers last night and the improvement is amazing, stable FPS and there seems to have improvements to lighting and water effects. I think that its and ATI optimized game though and i think they were working on improvements with APUs. Not that im using an APU.


Biblical Poster
Ok, so I'm honestly having a wicked time on this game now, its had its problems but it is epic now. Been playing Operation Locker all day and having so much fun, only at Rank 11 and haven't unlocked much but im getting good at this now and that makes a huge difference i think. The cinematic experience is second to none, even if I am playing on medium-high to maintain a good frame rate, the sound to me is more important now, i have my surround sound headset and my speakers so i can feel the explosions properly.


Super Star
I haven't been on multiplayer for ages now. I've just finished the campaign and thought it was a bit short.

It was annoying though because whenever I looked through the guns' scope, it jumped all over the place. But I managed to shoot though.


Life Serving
well I was playing last night and found it reasonably enjoyable.

The only gripe I had was, when playing the BSM server. They have a sniper limit, which is fine, however, if your team is over said limit you can still spawn in as a sniper. Then the second you kill someone, you get auto killed! No idea why they can't stop you spawning as a sniper instead. Stupid server imo.