Broken pc


I cleaned out my pc and now the connection from my graphics card DP port to my monitor won’t give me any signal so I can’t enter the bios. It won’t even give me a image for windows login. How do I go about getting it repaired ??


We love you Ukraine
I cleaned out my pc and now the connection from my graphics card DP port to my monitor won’t give me any signal so I can’t enter the bios. It won’t even give me a image for windows login. How do I go about getting it repaired ??
Is this a PC specialist pc? Can you post your full specs from the order page?


We love you Ukraine
I literally used ear buds as it said on the internet and a can of air also suggested on the internet
As above, is it a pcspeciliast pc? Could you post your full specs from the order page?

These forums are for support on pcspecialist machines only, if it's from another vendor or self built you'd need to check out Tom's hardware which is an open forum




The Awesome
Specs of my pc
Spyder meant the specs from your account when you log into the PCS website so we can see exactly what is in it :)

But as very basic questions did you spray the compressed air into the ports on the GPU where you would plug in the DP cable ?
And have you tried the other ports on said graphics card (it will have more than one)


Spyder meant the specs from your account when you log into the PCS website so we can see exactly what is in it :)

But as very basic questions did you spray the compressed air into the ports on the GPU where you would plug in the DP cable ?
And have you tried the other ports on said graphics card (it will have more than one)
Yes tried multiple ports cables and everything but I can’t get onto my computer at all now the picture was a very old pic of my specs


The Awesome
And as well as answering SpyderTracks question
You didn't answer this (your answer to this would be part of the answer to Spyders request)
But as very basic questions did you spray the compressed air into the ports on the GPU where you would plug in the DP cable ?

And does it beep when you start it up, if so what beeps are there? (ie number, and which are long or short)


And as well as answering SpyderTracks question
You didn't answer this (your answer to this would be part of the answer to Spyders request)

And does it beep when you start it up, if so what beeps are there? (ie number, and which are long or short)
No nothing it just turns on there is power as fans spin just no signal to the monitor