Fractal Meshify S2


Active member
Any chance of getting this case back in stock any time soon?

Had planned on using this case with a new build when the new Nvidia cards become available but there no longer available.


Bronze Level Poster
If you're set on a Fractal Meshify, you can order them online for delivery to PCS for your build (I did this with my PC a couple weeks ago) - assuming you can find it elsewhere!


Active member
I did email and ask, they have no stock and no orders in for more. Hope that changes.

will look at buying elsewhere, still got time before new GPU’s are out though.

Deleted member 17413

Just as a note... I would stay well away from Scan as a retailer. Never had a good experience with them, and they try to wriggle out of it when there are problems.

Also tend to be more expensive than Amazon for example

Deleted member 17413

Ive had some horrible experiences with them... everything from ordering an item that had multiples in stock, that then never arrived and they told me it was out of stock when I ordered... to damaged/faulty items that they then try to refuse being returned.

Heard others have issues returning an item weithin the 14 day period as well.

Personally I wont use them anymore, but I get some people may not want to use amazon.
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