Unfortunately I wasn't able to remove AIO by myself so I decided to return pc to PCS. Turns out it wasn't the pump that was making the noise but GPU unit. PC was returned to me today. Good news is - it works and it's much more quiet, bad news is - despite PCS efforts and extra protection glass panel was shattered during the transit once again...
Courier who brought pc confessed upfront "something is moving inside the box" . Case was full of broken glass which I managed to get rid of ( I hope I didn't miss anything) but some parts were covered in fine glass powder which is difficult to remove. So fed up with dpd at this point....
Thanks for help and advice everyone👍👍👍👍
Unfortunately I wasn't able to remove AIO by myself so I decided to return pc to PCS. Turns out it wasn't the pump that was making the noise but GPU unit. PC was returned to me today. Good news is - it works and it's much more quiet, bad news is - despite PCS efforts and extra protection glass panel was shattered during the transit once again...
Courier who brought pc confessed upfront "something is moving inside the box" . Case was full of broken glass which I managed to get rid of ( I hope I didn't miss anything) but some parts were covered in fine glass powder which is difficult to remove. So fed up with dpd at this point....
Thanks for help and advice everyone👍👍👍👍