Im soo Confused . . . GTX 670 or GTX 680 or GTX 690?!


Bronze Level Poster
Im trying to decide what graphics card would be best to buy to play BF3 on Ultra settings.

I was thinking SLI either the GTX 670/680 but would it be better just to go for the GTX 690?

Sooo many GPU's.


Bronze Level Poster
I would be using a 27" Monitor and using the resolution of 1920x1080. Budget isnt a concern right now heh


Biblical Poster
You dont need to waste all that money to play bf3 on a single screen at 1080p I have i 570 and it runs bf3 max at 1080p, so i recommend saving the money and getting a single 670


Biblical Poster
40-60fps actually and for most people thats fine

A good way to test is to play bf3 and MW3 on a console and see if you notice a difference (BF3 = 30fps and COD = 60fps)


Bronze Level Poster
Yeah I want to max the FPS if at all possible but cant really find reviews of the 690 for BF3, in the long run would it be better to get the 690 or SLi the 670's?

Ive heard that the 670's are pretty much the same as the 680's.


Superhero Level Poster
Dual 680's then :) or dual 670's or a single 690! ooohhh :)

So to answer the question of which gpu(s) to get, the 670/680 in SLi or a 690... went with the advice to either get dual 670/680s or a single 690...

Tom, you sir are a frickin genius! :D


Super Star
I would get an gtx 680 and that should last you a very long time. I mean as Wozza said a gtx 670 is more than enough but as you have no budget, the gtx 680 it is :)


Bronze Level Poster
Oke so ill have no problems with a 680 on a single monitor playing BF3 and for upcoming games with no fps problems on online multiplayer?

Sorry if im being annoying just trying to make sure I understand whats going on heh


Multiverse Poster
not annoying, spending that amount of money I would also request feedback. The single GTX 680 should be fine for 1 monitor no problems, assuming you not playing in 3D then I'd recommend the GTX 680 SLI.


Bronze Level Poster
Heh I may just go with 680 sli, I want something that will last for awhile and im assuming the 680's sli'd will do it.


Life Serving
40-60fps actually and for most people thats fine


Tom, you sir are a frickin genius! :D

Thanks Dead, :)

Heh I may just go with 680 sli, I want something that will last for awhile and im assuming the 680's sli'd will do it.

I'd go for a single 680, with a nice psu so you can add another 680 later :) One will be enough for now.


Bronze Level Poster
I want to get want I want now so I won't have to get stuff for it down the line for awhile because I will be getting the PC on finance.