Hi,Just additionally to this, my set up is by no means optimal, it's currently in a tiny room and using the speakers nearfield on the desk, and very close to the window and curtains behind. They're really good for that use as far as 2 way bookshelves go, but they'd be far far better properly setup on stands spaced to each end of the room and brought out a little to give space behind.
I do think that the current setup will be limiting what I'm able to hear.
I'm hoping to move in a couple of years and have it all setup in the living room properly, and I have no doubt that that's going to reveal so much more of what the speakers are capable of.
But it's still excellent and leaps and bounds over anything I've previously had.
Sorry for the delay getting back to your reply I wasn’t notified? I normally am so just checked back and saw you replied. Sorry.
The bedding in period probably depends on the speakers and different brands and models improve with running more than others. I am sure it is very subtle and most people might not even notice. But I appreciate audiophiles are a different breed!
It’s great they have sounded excellent from the very beginning and you are so happy with your setup, happy days! I agree music and coffee are a great combo aren’t they, I had to remove coffee a while back as it played havoc with my gut unfortunately, I really miss it, I was never a tea person.
It will be interesting to see the difference when you change your amp tubes and the benefit the extra power has. Yes, I understand what a difference a room can make but you just have to make the best of the environment you have. Even Michael Framer’s listening room looks not optimal and a tad messy (lol!) and his system is insane.
Plus this was 4 years ago God knows what he has now. Your future idea of moving and improving your listening room / set up must be a really motivating goal. Glad you are so happy with your speakers and system