New PC but not working!


Got a new PC for Cmas for my son, turned it on and nothing shows on the monitor. It’s doing one long beep followed by 2 short beeps.
Any ideas? I have taken the side off and can’t see anything obvious!


Can you post the full specs of the machine.
Its likely the RAM or GPU have worked loose in transit. Try re-seating them.

Ensure the GPU has the correct power cables fitted.




The BSOD Doctor
Did you not test it when you got it from Currys/PCWorld? Was it ok then?

The beep code does indicate a video error and reseating the graphics card is the first thing to try. It will be the largest card in the case. Also check all the connectors.

If you can't get it working you'll need to take it back to Currys/PCWorld as soon as they open again, since you bought it from them they are responsible for ensuring that it's in working order.


Silver Level Poster
On the rear of your PC, you plug in the cable coming from your monitor into a socket. Those sockets are on your graphics card. That's the card that needs to checked. It'll be one of the biggest items inside your PC, so hopefully cannot be missed


Right I have undone some screws for the graphics card, pushed it in and then put screws back in. Looked like it started to work as something came up on the monitor then it went it off and did the 1 long beep and 2 short beeps again.