Its possible that you got really unlucky with your CPU silicon. I could be wrong about this but I read somewhere that to get lucky with the higher end Ryzen 3900+ CPUs you need to have two decent CCD to get lucky with the silicon. Have you thought about manually OCing each CCD through Ryzen master? Run CCD0 a tiny but underlocked and CCD1 possibly a tiny bit overclocked? I don't know if its a great idea but I had heard a few tech people suggesting to manual OC each individual core of the Ryzen CPU's since each core is different. Hopefully a replasement CPU will fix all of these
I would have to run ccd0 at 2.8ghz all core vs ccd1 running at the stock 3.6 GHz for them to run at the same powerdraw under full load.
For the time being I've set the windows CPU power limit to 99% this prevents boost behaviours so the CPU will only hit 3ghz both CCD. Of course ccd0 still runs hot and draws to much power but it doesn't reach thermal shut down during gaming.
Not ideal at all though.
Edit : Having to send machine back hopefully it's as simple as a CPU switch.
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