All the high scores on the leaderboard are all OC machines to the max being cooled by liquid nitrogen, PC stood in a freezer with 40 fans aimed at it.
The clock speeds on the gpus are a lot higher than the factory oc gpu I have, memory frequency too. Plus whatever else they are pushing to the max.
Mine is out of the box how PCS set it up, nothing changed whatsoever.
I'm not the most clued up on PCs in the regards to the CPU speed you mention, all I can say is it generally hits those speeds when benchmarks are run, and has gone as high as 5011 mhz
The CPU runs hotter than the GPU, think its around 60-65 during timespy stuff.
Long gaming sessions say 5-6 hours and at 4k highest settings possible that are suitable the Cpu can go into the high 70s but it tends to be briefly, like a spike kind of thing like when a game loads up,probably averages in the mid 60's.
The Gpu rarely goes into the 50's.
This is with the fans running pretty silent.
The really top scores are, I was referring to the scores with the 5900X and the 3080 pairing though. Where it appears to me that all the setups are fairly standard. For extreme setups people won't often choose an AMD chip.
Here is an example running the 5900X without an OC and it looks like the 3080 Strix without an OC as well. The frequency values are all fairly typical around the 18500 score mark. Overclocked rigs tend to score 19000+.
5Ghz from that chip really is fantastic.
I scored 18 500 in Time Spy
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 x 1, 32768 MB, 64-bit Windows 10}
You can have a play around here if you're interested...
You set the CPU to what you are running, the GPU to what you are running and be sure to select the count of GPUs as 1.