Thank you Scott I appreciate that you are being active in this thread, you may have a personal relationship with many of the people at PCS via your moderation status and that has allowed you to build a foundation of confidence. Right now, from my perspective, that foundation doesn’t reflect the interactions which is all outlined above form the multiple touch points between myself and PCS.That's pretty poor, I can totally empathise. Regarding the apologies, as with all companies there is a hierarchy, I understand that apologies may feel hollow but I am fairly certain that with how far up the chain you are now the apologies are very sincere and from a stance of pride for the company/name rather than just part of the formal training. I don't know if that will mean anything to you but given your background you will likely understand the difference between the different levels of customer service that you make your way through during such problems.
I am quite confident you are in very good hands and the situation will be investigated fully with appropriate feedback. You understand that this will take time and as much as it's frustrating it's the right thing to do to have a proper understanding of what happened.
“I don't know if that will mean anything to you but given your background you will likely understand the difference between the different levels of customer service that you make your way through during such problems.” Absolutely correct here, we are all humans at the end of the day and our diversity and individualism doesn’t always embrace the same core values and that is ok. We can all perform our jobs well without reflecting the same principles and quite often this can result in maturing these principles for the benefit of your user base. What is on display here though showcases a complete breakdown from quality assurance, communication and logistics which are three core pillars of any service delivery company. I know you are a volunteer and do not work for PCS and I thank you for your service, but this is a type of statement that complete reflection as to a fundamental problem here. No customer no matter the price tag of the purchase should have to go through this many people and interactions to receive any form of focus, it shows that a core value of good service as a collective in an organisation shifting from the majority to the minority. It saddens me but, this is often the case when companies mature in their lifecycle.
I can do nothing now but take your word for it, and I absolutely appreciate that any form of investigation will require some time.
Stay safe and kind regards
P.S. as of 10am this morning my system was collected for return to PCS