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We still don't know what version of CC it is, it could be an unsupported one which would make sense why the PL values are not enabled.I appreciate its not apples for apples but I personally still don't think it's overheating.
I really cannot see bad paste causing throttling that aggressive, Not over such a short period of time any way.
I am also concerned that all of the CPU customisation options are missing from the new install of CC. The OP should have the option to change the 3 different boost wattages.
Testing is always good though you will get no argument from me.
That in turn would make sense why the power limits are borked.
This may well be a hardcoded limitation but we need to rule out cc version first.
If it does turn out that user needs to contact PCS, we need to fully understand what their solution is, if it's simply a different version of CC, then that needs to be uploaded to their account. Also, if contacting PCS, verify if the windows 11 CC is the required version or if an update is required.
Either way, that CPU under its current limitations shouldn't be creating that much heat, but appreciate this is a secondary issue that can't be determined until the power limits are addressed.