
We love you Ukraine
This is worth a watch. This is by Coreteks, now I don't agree with every viewpoint of his, but he always comes from an interesting place, and does it with a lot of insider information behind him, always interesting watches



Sounds like the 40 series will bring a strong performance boost but equally a crazy price hike, and with the shadiness surrounding it, things don't sound especially good...

Maybe AMD will be where it's at this gen for half-reasonably affordable but powerful cards, but having waited so long already for AM5 I'm not sure I have the patience to wait for November 3... Maybe I should just go with a current-gen GPU, at least with AM5 everything should be upgradeable for a few years if I ever need the power of a newer GPU 😂

Deciding when to stop waiting is hard lol


We love you Ukraine
Sounds like the 40 series will bring a strong performance boost but equally a crazy price hike, and with the shadiness surrounding it, things don't sound especially good...

Maybe AMD will be where it's at this gen for half-reasonably affordable but powerful cards, but having waited so long already for AM5 I'm not sure I have the patience to wait for November 3... Maybe I should just go with a current-gen GPU, at least with AM5 everything should be upgradeable for a few years if I ever need the power of a newer GPU 😂

Deciding when to stop waiting is hard lol
I would just use integrated graphics until the GPU 3rd party reviews are out.


We love you Ukraine
This is another worth a watch, some interesting perspectives although most people seem pretty unanimous in this release



Bright Spark
Not sure if you guys seen this.. Nvidia Made a statement about the Power Supply's

GeForce RTX 40 Series does not require a new power supply if you already meet the PSU wattage recommendations (more below). The graphics cards come with a power adapter to ensure compatibility with existing power supplies. We have rigorously tested the power adapters across a wide range of conditions.

The RTX 40 Series doesn’t require a new power supply if you already meet the PSU wattage recommendations. The RTX 4090 TGP is 450 W and the minimum recommended PSU is 850 W. The 4080 16GB TGP is 320 W with a minimum recommended power supply of 750W, and the minimum recommended power supply for the 4080 12GB is 700W.

The power requirements have stayed the same or reduced while delivering substantially more performance. RTX 4090 draws the same power as RTX 3090 Ti, the RTX 4080 16GB draws 30W less than RTX 3080 Ti, and the RTX 4080 12GB draws 65W less power than RTX 3080 12GB.

The RTX 40 Series cards come with power adapters that allow you to use existing power supplies with existing 8-pin PCIe connectors. The RTX 40 Series cards can also use the PCIe Gen5 power connector which allows you to power the graphics card with a single cable


Bright Spark
So does this mean I might have to turn my heating on when not playing cyberpunk?
Nvidia bragging about 3 slot graphic cards being slightly less power hungry is hardly eco friendly.


We love you Ukraine
Not sure if you guys seen this.. Nvidia Made a statement about the Power Supply's

GeForce RTX 40 Series does not require a new power supply if you already meet the PSU wattage recommendations (more below). The graphics cards come with a power adapter to ensure compatibility with existing power supplies. We have rigorously tested the power adapters across a wide range of conditions.

The RTX 40 Series doesn’t require a new power supply if you already meet the PSU wattage recommendations. The RTX 4090 TGP is 450 W and the minimum recommended PSU is 850 W. The 4080 16GB TGP is 320 W with a minimum recommended power supply of 750W, and the minimum recommended power supply for the 4080 12GB is 700W.

The power requirements have stayed the same or reduced while delivering substantially more performance. RTX 4090 draws the same power as RTX 3090 Ti, the RTX 4080 16GB draws 30W less than RTX 3080 Ti, and the RTX 4080 12GB draws 65W less power than RTX 3080 12GB.

The RTX 40 Series cards come with power adapters that allow you to use existing power supplies with existing 8-pin PCIe connectors. The RTX 40 Series cards can also use the PCIe Gen5 power connector which allows you to power the graphics card with a single cable
NVidia's recommendations are always for the Founders Editions, so are always out for aftermarket cards.

I would strongly recommend listening to 3rd party reviewers on this, Transient spikes are a real thing, and bad for NVidia's brand name, NVidia don't want to admit they exist.



"Unboxing Videos" have just had their NDA lifted! Fair to say these new 4090's are heckin' chonkers!






Oh... and you know that ugly cable adapter they provided for the FE's... they're back, for every card... but worse 🙃


We love you Ukraine
"Unboxing Videos" have just had their NDA lifted! Fair to say these new 4090's are heckin' chonkers!






Oh... and you know that ugly cable adapter they provided for the FE's... they're back, for every card... but worse 🙃
I love the design, I’m really pleased they haven’t changed it too much from the 3000 series FEs because they are stunning.