Steam winter sale


Prolific Poster
Yea I'm a sucker for doing this. I probably have about 5-10 games that I've installed but haven't touched. Or if I have it's been like the first mission or less. I actually find buying games and then leaving them to download overnight more enjoyable than playing them. And then I sit at my PC with some free time after work and think "urgh I have nothing worth playing" and end up pointlessly browsing the web or playing something mindless :)


Yea I'm a sucker for doing this. I probably have about 5-10 games that I've installed but haven't touched. Or if I have it's been like the first mission or less. I actually find buying games and then leaving them to download overnight more enjoyable than playing them. And then I sit at my PC with some free time after work and think "urgh I have nothing worth playing" and end up pointlessly browsing the web or playing something mindless :)

I get the same feeling (sorta) except I know there are some games I want to play (Witcher / Witcher 2 etc.) but I don't want to start unless I have a good few hours in which I can get to grips with the basics and enjoy the storyline - I always feel some games have a long opening and take a few hours to really 'start' the game and I don't want to get in the middle of that and have to stop playing for whatever reason.

Maybe I'm just making up poor excuses for myself. I don't know, but that is kinda the my reasoning behind a lot of the unplayed games I have.


Prolific Poster
I get the same feeling (sorta) except I know there are some games I want to play (Witcher / Witcher 2 etc.) but I don't want to start unless I have a good few hours in which I can get to grips with the basics and enjoy the storyline - I always feel some games have a long opening and take a few hours to really 'start' the game and I don't want to get in the middle of that and have to stop playing for whatever reason.

Maybe I'm just making up poor excuses for myself. I don't know, but that is kinda the my reasoning behind a lot of the unplayed games I have.

Yea I get what you mean. Like I got given Civ 5 and really wanted to give it a go. But I haven't played any of the previous ones so I know I'll have to sit through the tutorial for at least an hour and then the actual gameplay itself will be slow just because of the nature of the game. So I haven't braved it yet!

There are some games that I haven't played just because I'm playing similiar ones at the moment. Like I have Dishonoured and Metro, both first person single player games, I like them both equally but know I should only really play one of them at a time so I've been playing Dishonoured... Same with BF3 and Planetside 2, both brilliant multiplayer games but you either focus on one or the other, I don't want to half-heartedly play BF3 for an hour and then switch to planetside.

I suppose it's just finding more time to play!


Bronze Level Poster
Grr so many games I want to buy! Just gonna be sensible and wait for the sales.... lower prices = more games? :D