Telephone Number Change & Customer Service Announcement


Resident Metalhead
Staff member
I believe it is because the 03 number works in essentially the same way as an 01/02 number, whereas 01/02 are local numbers, 03 can be the same but assigned for businesses, retaining the sort of business credibility the 08 numbers bring (reigstered etc.), all at the same cost as calling a mate on the landline, and if you think about it, that cost of the call is to your phone company for the call, and not being charged for support/advice as a lo-call rate does :)


Would it be worth using VOIP rather than traditional lines of support? Mainly using video so support can see what is or is not happening. Obviously doing that won't help everyone, but at a guess, most people buying from custom-shops will be vaguely aware of SIP/XMPP and or Skype or even Google's video.. Even the 03 rates @ .10-.40/per minute seems higher than is necessary. there are tons of Android and iPhone applications which alleviate the hassle.
SIP or XMPP is more flexible than Skype because a Skype client/account isn't necessary but is more like asking what kind of cloud a person prefers. But would still allow a central clearing house of sorts.
For a business, I see even BT is getting to this game.

If that's not possible, due to whatever reason, maybe a certain amount of credit should be given up by the company? Knowing the current rates for a person's location, time spent on the phone should be pretty easy to figure out. So if someone has spent 20 minutes on the phone @ .20/minute, maybe the cost of calling support (or even half of that cost) could be taken up by PCS and put back into that customer's account.

Just a couple ideas.

All well and good having VOIP, Skype, XMPP, Google etc.. but if you do not have a smart phone and your PC wont turn on your a bit screwed really.
For those who can turn their PC on there is the Live Chat.