The delay is coming from the factories that make the chips, the materials needed to make the chips are a limited resource at the best of times.This goes beyond pcs and to the suppliers for a lack of production and transparency. It’s odd how in every other industry out there, when the demand of a product gets that high, they fully capitalise and ramp up production 100 fold to maintain the orders.
This whole situation has done nothing but push console players who are wanting to make the jump, and even die hard pc players to cross over to the much cheaper new gen console counterparts. It goes way past just gpus and will effect the entire pc market and community. It’s madness.
Now we have a limited resource, with a limited supply chain with a limited work force and limited shipping options. This is causing the delays a combination of everything. Throwing more men at it or upping production without the vital ingredient needed to create the product simply gets you nowhere. This isn't a production issue it's a resource issue
If PCS had the materials readily available I've no doubt they could pump out 100+ machines a day but the material just isn't there