We love you Ukraine
Just through the upgrades section on the PCS site. Go to "order details / My spare parts"what a rollercoaster lmao, where would you recommend buying it from - good prices yk
Just through the upgrades section on the PCS site. Go to "order details / My spare parts"what a rollercoaster lmao, where would you recommend buying it from - good prices yk
I would personally avoid any extenders.or could i just buy a lan cable and plug it into an wifi extender
Apologies, I didn't read the history, but you were bang on back at the beginning.And sadly we end up where we began.
I wouldn’t recommend going with that option you’re thinking of. It’ll still be slow. You either need to go Ethernet or hunker down and get something like the AX200. You’ll see a huge difference 🙂👍
That’s what I’d been thinking, and why I linked to that thread you were heavily involved in. You’ve got the booster jab sweats, get some rest!God!!! I've just noticed what wifi card you have.
That one just doesn't work in Windows 11, it's about 13 years old now and has no support in 11.
You'd need a different card, personally I'd suggest an AX200 model.
AMAZONwhat a rollercoaster lmao, where would you recommend buying it from - good prices yk
This is one of the reasons it's worth posting in check this spec BEFORE hitting the order buttonWhen buying, i figured the setup wouldn’t be approved if the card wasn’t compatible - but what’s done is done now so i’ll pick up the ax200. thanks for all your help everyone