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  1. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST My new PC isnt working properly (I think)

    Can you post the full specification for your machine from your order page please.
  2. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Weird pink haze at bottom of screen

    Something else to try. Next time it happens take a screen shot, If the haze shows in the picture then your GPU is most likely on the way out fault if not then its the screen.
  3. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Stuttering in desktop

    DPC checker is another latency checker tool. It gives you a quick dirty view to see whether you have latency problems. Can you go to the driver page on LatencyMon and sort by DPC count then take a screenshot and post it here? I wouldn't use the drivers PCS give you because they are probably out...
  4. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Stuttering in desktop

    Have your run DPC checker by any chance? This doesn't look like a power issue this looks like a latency issue with your adio driver. Have you checked the Drivers tab and sorted it by DPC count to see what the top results are? Edit - Just to put this into context for you the Highest measured...
  5. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST RMA Returned - Cooler position question

    I agree id deffo give the top vent a go.
  6. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST FedEx being weird

    Have a look at this thread. Sorry in advance:
  7. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST RMA Returned - Cooler position question

    If I were you I would be mounting the radiator on the top vent.
  8. barlew


    These forums are ran and frequented by PCS customers and enthusiasts not PCS themselves. If you want to make an official complaint you need to email PCS directly on [email protected] with "Official Complaint" in the subject line. Also a word of note. No matter how frustrated you are...
  9. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Norton really outdoing themselves - Why does anyone buy this in the first place

    Oh man. This blockchain business is getting really depressing. I didn't really care when it was just the mining business (apart from the impact on GPU supply) as for me it did not impact my life at all. This trend of every major software company getting involved with it and introducing it into...
  10. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Real Users' Benchmarks - Rank of PCS Laptops

    The reason the other Ionicos in the benchmark are double your score is because you have ran the wrong test. You need to run Firestrike not Time Spy
  11. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia confirms power requirements for 3090ti

    Hahahaha that is absolutely ridiculous! They cannot continue this way. Surely 4000 series are going to have to back right back. Although lets face it at this point Nvidia are all about the crypto miners and could not care less about any other use case so maybe they wont?
  12. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Install M2 SSD into desktop-laptop (screw question)

    Like I have already said. The screws I have linked you too will work. The left screw in your picture is the same as the screws I linked because they are for m.2 standoff points.
  13. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Install M2 SSD into desktop-laptop (screw question)

    M.2 is the interface on the motherboard and they all use the same size screws. I have the exact screw set I linked you too and I can confirm that they do fit m.2 standoff points.
  14. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Install M2 SSD into desktop-laptop (screw question)

    These should do the job,
  15. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Ionico 17 - Possible to run 1440p 240hz on external monitor?

    No this is why i think you should stick with the cable i originally linked. For G Sync to work you have to use DP.
  16. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Ionico 17 - Possible to run 1440p 240hz on external monitor?

    If this is the case its probably better to stay with USB-C to DP as G Sync will still be useable.
  17. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Real Users' Benchmarks - Rank of PCS Laptops

    I wasn't making fun of your configuration. You have an extremely powerful DTR and that is an excellent Firestrike score. I am just happy that my little laptop can keep up with it.
  18. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Real Users' Benchmarks - Rank of PCS Laptops

    And this is the moment I realise I definitely bought the right laptop!!!
  19. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Ionico 17 - Possible to run 1440p 240hz on external monitor?

    I just spoke to PCS. Apparently its is. According to them all RTX 30 series laptops have HDMI 2.1 as its part of the card.
  20. barlew

    PCSPECIALIST Ionico 17 - Possible to run 1440p 240hz on external monitor?

    Yeh i appreciate that but HDMI 2.1 is capable of 1440p 240Hz and i believe that laptop has HDMI 2.1.