I woke up today in surprise that my delivery, which was meant to come in on the 24th arrived early. Initially was exicited and rushed downstairs to bring my package indoors. I open it up and at first glance everything was fine and it was well packaged. I proceed to lift the pc case up and hear crackling sounds. I thought maybe it was the polystrene foam but as I placed the pc upright the entire glass panel on the right hand side was shattered, the air filter detached and glass fragments everywhere inside the packaging.
I was so frustrated but knew that its not PCS fault but the dpd delivery man as they seemed in a rush to leave and placed the PC box at an awkward angle by my doorstep. I called up PCS immeditately and now they created an RMA to replace the entire case.
Just gutted to finally have this beast delivered to now have it taken away and wait until who knows when.
I was so frustrated but knew that its not PCS fault but the dpd delivery man as they seemed in a rush to leave and placed the PC box at an awkward angle by my doorstep. I called up PCS immeditately and now they created an RMA to replace the entire case.
Just gutted to finally have this beast delivered to now have it taken away and wait until who knows when.