My Nightmare with

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Active member
As this was quite a lengthy thread I thought i'd just post here the resolution; on saturday me and jack spoke for an hour or so trying to replicate what the repair guys did, with getting the whole 8gb of RAM detected at 2133mhz, we couldn't. We agreed it would probably be best to cut our losses and change my RAM to lower frequency RAM.

I chose to get 16gb of 1600 mhz ram with a rebate instead, which I now recieved wednesday. Installed when I got home about 17.30 yesterday and gamed all night, all 16gb detected. No issues so far! Huzzah :)

No idea what was wrong with the 8gb 2133mhz ram or how the repair guys got it working, but ah well.


Bright Spark
hifive to everyone!

now you can game and see how good the PC is :)

i still love my pc!

I had one problem with the front panel but it wasn't

it was some mesh thing which had come loose and was hitting the fan


Active member
good good, lol you should of done some research into the 2133mhz before buying. ;)

More like PCS should do more research into it before selling it? lol, can't blame the consumer on a product which even they can't get working? :p but no fan boys like to blame the users not the company :)


Bright Spark
Not really, they provide you with the option to buy. Just because it's got bigger numbers doesn't make it better. Don't blame PCS, blame the manufacturers, All PCS is doing is providing you with the option to buy a product. Your own fault if you blindly buy something.


Master Poster
as ive stated before and i would strongly advise everyone buying a pc from PCSpecialist (unless they really know what they are doing and im talking about knowing every inch of what they are buying) to look at the forums and post any proposed specs on here first as the majority of members will almost instantly advise you on your build and any issues you may find with it. If benotton had posted his propesed spec here first id say 98% of members would have told him the 2133 ram is a massive waste of money and very unstable and saved him all this anguish, the beauty of pcs is these forums and their members we may not have all the answers but if we pipe up it tends to be because we know what we are on about and have done the research to back up our threads. sorry if anyone has been put off by this thread but if you post your build and any questions on the forums you shouldnt have an issue and if you do it will most likely be a manufacturing flaw which PCS will try to fix in a speedy polite manner. Long Live PCS by far the best Custom PC Company in the UK


Surely PCS shouldn't be selling such unstable RAM, or should be warning customers when they choose the option they same way they do with other specific specs or spec combinations?

If they'd done that the customer wouldn't have had a bad thing to say and this thread would never have happened.


Gents and Gals. We have sold many systems with this ram. Its in the qvl list and verified by Kingston and G-skill. Intel have also verified the socket lg1155 chipset with 2133mhz memory. However for anyone that knows about computers, you will know that with memory running at this speed, tweaks, and manual settings are often required, in order to get a stable platform. Even then, you basically have memory running on the edge and the compromise you make is extreme performance and less stability.

This was one issue from many many systems sold. For one reason or another the customer couldnt get his pc stable. When we had it back at our workshop for testing it ran for hours without issue. These things happen, and in the end a solution was reached, and the issue solved.
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Author Level
Surely PCS shouldn't be selling such unstable RAM, or should be warning customers when they choose the option they same way they do with other specific specs or spec combinations?

If they'd done that the customer wouldn't have had a bad thing to say and this thread would never have happened.

But the whole point is that they are offering the option to buy the RAM.. Whoever the customer is, they should do research into ever component of their PC before they buy it, it's just common sense to see what other people have to say about products, if they're good or bad.


Staff member
I think this thread has reached the point where it no longer needs to be open. :)
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