The actual temperature of the CPU doesn't make a difference to how hot your room will be. It's only the power draw of the CPU that will do that.Similar here! I think I'm gonna push to a higher budget though since I tend to do a lot of CPU-intensive stuff and I want to be prepared for a few years of good hammer lol
The reviews I've seen so far definitely look promising, though with the changed boost management the temperatures sound mildly terrifying lol. AMD says it's fine and I guess we'll have to take them at their word, but I guess I'm gonna be spending on a strong cooler to get as much out of it as possible, and I do hope that outside of 100% usage long tasks it doesn't spend too long at 95C otherwise my room is gonna get toasty in the summer (at least it'll be a good dual-purpose heater during the winter! 😂)
I'm still not 100% decided on what to do about GPUs but I'm leaning towards just going big now tbh, though the call of new generation graphics hardware is certainly tempting, even if it's gonna take some bravery to open up the machine so soon!
Either way, I'm definitely gonna be spending the coming days configuring the setup and seeking advice! I'm certainly more than a little excited to get a new machine into my hands!