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  1. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Some electric vehicle history

    We are very lucky round here, as we've got lots of farm shops close by, that sell really good locally farmed produce, tonight we had some sausages from one, they were simply called "Grandads recipe"
  2. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Some electric vehicle history

    We still have the milkman deliver eggs, bread rolls and apple juice, every Tuesday
  3. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Yep sounds like a good plan to me. At the moment at work, we have Halloween and Christmas stuff, I'm expecting the fireworks stuff will be there soon, then once halloween and fireworks are done, easter eggs etc will show up next
  4. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

  5. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Some electric vehicle history

    What goes around,comes around 😂😂😂😂
  6. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Some electric vehicle history

    American History Did you know that in 1884 that the first production-standard electric car capable of being reproduced and sold to the public was unveiled? Did you know that in the early 1900s 1/3 of all vehicles on the road were electric? They started to quickly disappear around 1920 with the...
  7. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Totally insane cycle ride

    The furthest I've done was Uxbridge into London, then up to Dunwich in Suffolk overnight, that was 140 miles, took about 12 hours in all
  8. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Totally insane cycle ride

    Fancy riding the Australian coast...
  9. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST update drivers or not

    Darn that auto correct, must be American as Elizabeth is spelt with a Z. To the op that was supposed to be from elsewhere 😂😂😂😂
  10. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST update drivers or not

    Generally speaking, windows standard and optional updates takes care of all driver updates these days, even on a clean install, so it's leave alone, the only drivers that you get from Elisabeth are for the GPU, and they come from Nvidia or AMD depending on GPU flavour
  11. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST One-liners
  12. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    So true
  13. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Replacement key pads?

    That sounds like he just needs key caps
  14. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST pc turned off suddenly

    Ok, first thing I'd do, it's take the sides off the case and check all the connections are firmly plugged, also check the GPU and RAM are properly seated
  15. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Laptop freezes - screen goes stripey

    Can you please post the full spec from your orders page
  16. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST PC for video editing 1080 GoPro footage for Youtube

    Don't get the above or anything else with an Intel cpu, the 13 and 14 series chips are dead upon arrival
  17. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

  18. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST in building at last :)

    I wouldn't have gone for that m. 2 and wouldn't partition it, those are known for failure, so when it goes you'll lose everything
  19. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST Can you recommend any improvements for me?

    What resolution and regress rate, or model number
  20. Martinr36

    PCSPECIALIST New PC Build - Gaming

    Oh I can remember how the price on the Berserker increased just laying in bed of an evening and was as just a hypothetical build 😂😂😂